Hodaka Parts Compatibility

Hello Hodaka World, this page is dedicated to the Hodaka Parts compatibility list  you can look up part numbers and find what models of Hodaka they fit. You will find the info to download at the bottom of this info.

Before you view or download the list you will need to know that there are 93 pages in this list, the first approximate 15 pages are for Bolts, Nuts, Screws, Washers and Miscellaneous  items. Pages 88 thru 93 are for spark plugs and Mikuni parts.                                                                                                                                           It needs to be pointed out that each part number has two digits in  front, that is your model number,  IE: 902502 for the ACE 90 model, the items last four digits are the actual part item.

Some of you already know this info but a lot of people do not. They will learn as they go.  Another note concerning the miscellaneous hardware area listing will give the length and size, built into the last four digits of the part number.  Please note that the first two digits in the front area also indicate the type of the item listed.  IE ; #10 Bolts and so on.  Take your time and you will begin to understand what each number means or indicates.  A note about the list itself,  first find the number you are looking for and then read across the page to find the model it fits, models are listed across the top of each page.

Just click on “HodakaCompatibilityPartsList” Below  this file is in Microsoft Excel you can download and save it and print out if you wish or view as needed, but there are 93 pages of full of info.
