Great news; all new pipe manufacture and making pipes available for Hodaka.
Suggested, Retail prices as shown above; nickel plated pipes $550.00, unplated $375.00.
Jim Stein and Jon Fate McGill of J & J engineering, are now beginning an all new pipe company for our Hodaka,s. These pipes are built to expert specs and fully tested. If you wish to know more about the pipes and their exciting ride and test program before buying, contact Jim Stein , or Jon Fate McGill 1–559–936–2647, for prices and info. More pipes to come in the future as testing allows. Great guys, more good news for those looking for trick pipes for other brands, testing now going on as we speak. Now in production, tested ready to go Honda 74/75 cr 125,, early Suzuki rm 125 working on Yamaha, at1. keep watching FOR MORE.